Almost everyone wants whiter teeth.

Indeed, Americans spend $1.4 billion on over the counter teeth whitening kits every year.

Clearly, people place a lot of importance on having a set of pearly whites!

However, prevention is better than cure. Teeth-whitening products may serve a purpose. But wouldn’t it be better to avoid the problem in the first place?

Teeth discoloration is a natural part of aging. Yet, thankfully for us, there are easy ways to slow the process. Doing so preserves peace of mind about teeth appearance. It also helps minimize expenditure on expensive whitening products!

Want to know one of the easiest steps to take? Avoiding food and drink that readily stains them.

But to do that, you first need to know the primary culprits. Are you interested in taking a natural approach to attaining whiter teeth?

Keep reading to discover 7 main foods that stain teeth.

1. Tomato Sauces

Bad news for all pizza and pasta lovers out there:

Tomato sauces can have a significant effect on teeth discoloration. In the same way, tomato ketchup is another primary teeth-staining culprit.

There are multiple reasons why. For one thing, tomatoes contain acid, which can erode the protective layer on the teeth.

Secondly, the natural brightness of the color can latch onto tooth surfaces. Failure to rinse and clean your teeth afterward can impact whiteness over time.

Likewise, it’s worth noting that tomato sauces often contain surprisingly high levels of sugar. This may not be a direct cause of staining. However, it does have a negative oral impact in other ways (too much sugar will rot your teeth!).

2. Balsamic Vinegar

Any food or drink with deep, dark coloration will have a negative impact.

That’s why teas, coffees, and wines can be so deleterious.

Of course, balsamic vinegar falls into this category too. Now, like all of the items on this list, there’s no need to cut balsamic vinegar from your diet entirely. But minimizing your consumption of it will inevitably protect your teeth better.

The dark coloration will stick to teeth; the acid will erode them. It’s a troublesome combination.

Thankfully, foodstuffs generally eaten alongside balsamic naturally counteract its staining tendency. For instance, lettuce is a useful means of cleaning vinegar from your teeth.

3. Beetroot

Have you ever handled beetroot?

Anyone who has will inevitably notice the dark red staining on their hands afterward. Indeed, beetroot has been used throughout time in dyes, precisely for its natural staining qualities.

It’s great for creating beautiful fabrics. It’s awful for keeping your teeth shining white!

Again, there’s no need to avoid them entirely. Beetroots are a superfood. They’re packed full of incredibly important nutrients. They can help anyone cultivate a healthy diet. Don’t do a total beetroot boycott purely for the sake of whiter teeth!

Instead, be diligent with your dental hygiene after eating them. Rinse your mouth well and clean your teeth shortly after your meal.

That way you get the best of both worlds: the nutritional benefits without the staining.

4. Curries

Asian cuisine is full of beautifully intense flavors and aromas.

However, the spices used to create them also have a nasty habit of staining teeth. The pigmentation of common ingredients, such as Turmeric, can lead to progressive yellowing. The more curry you eat, the higher the likelihood of discoloration occurring.

Try to limit your intake of these dishes. Equally, try taking protective measures too. Often, other food types (such as carrots, celery, and apples) can counteract the staining process.

Eating these alongside your favorite curries should help.

5. Fruits Such as Berries

Fruits are another example of food you absolutely need in your diet.

Generally speaking, the more fruit the better! Don’t cut them out! However, some varieties, such as berries, do play a role in teeth discoloration.

It doesn’t matter how they’re consumed. Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries…as jams, juices or eaten raw, they have the potential to stain teeth. Again, this is due to the deep colors present in almost all of them.

That, coupled with high levels of acid and sugar make a potent combination.

As with the beetroots, endeavor to rinse and clean your teeth after eating them. Similarly, you can neutralize the acids with foods such as hard cheese, and drinks like milk.

6. Candy And Chocolate

Go to the local candy store and what do you see?

Row upon row of brightly colored, sugar-heavy sweets and chocolate!

It may be heaven for kids. But, as we’ve already noted, all those colors add up to trouble for your teeth. If we’re honest, food coloring isn’t particularly healthy at the best of times. Candy doesn’t get its color through natural means!

However, in relation to this post, the irony is that it also leads to discoloration of your teeth.

Much the same is true of chocolate- dark chocolate in particular. The colors and content stick to your teeth, leading to yellowing over time.

7. Popsicles

Finally, popsicles.

On hot summer days, there’s often nothing better than a refreshing ice lolly to cool down. However, just like the candy we just discussed, the food colorings used are problematic.

Avoid eating them in excess. Mitigate the risk of staining by rinsing and cleaning teeth shortly after consumption.

Time to Avoid Foods that Stain Teeth

There you have it: an essential list of foods that stain teeth.

People all over the world are obsessed with having whiter teeth. It’s perceived as a sign of beauty. Consequently, people pay significant sums of money to achieve it.

It’s far better to avoid the problem in the first place. Avoiding the food and drink that has a habit of staining teeth is a good place to start.

Hopefully, this post has highlighted exactly how to do just that! With this knowledge in mind, you’ll be on your way to preserving your pearly whites in no time!

Are you looking to get whiter teeth? Contact us today to discover how we can cater to all of your dentistry needs.