Nothing is worse for making a good first impression than foul breath!

Unfortunately, one in four people across the world suffers from chronic bad breath called halitosis.

While poor dental hygiene habits play a significant role in bad breath, your saliva production can also cause rancid breath. Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is when your mouth doesn’t produce the amount of saliva your body needs.

Aside from causing bad breath, dry mouth makes your mouth feel sticky, causes difficulty chewing and speaking, and induces sore throats. Dry mouth makes a person sound hoarse and changes his or her sense of taste.

But how does dry mouth cause bad breath?

Let’s explore.

What Causes Dry Mouth?

Poor dental habits lead to cavities and periodontal diseases, which are the top two causes of dry mouth.

Some people experience dry mouth as a side effect of medications. Antihistamines, pain medicine, and chemotherapy can cause dry mouth. Dry mouth is also a symptom of specific medical conditions, including:

  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Sleep apnea
  • Diabetes
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Eating disorders

Hormonal changes due to pregnancy can cause dry mouth in women.

Dry mouth may stem from issues with your mental health.

Stress, depression, and anxiety lower saliva production and lead to dry mouth and bad breath. They also may cause teeth grinding, another unhealthy oral habit that wreaks havoc on your pearly whites.

Why Does Dry Mouth Cause Bad Breath?

Your mouth relies on a healthy amount of saliva production to keep it healthy.

The purpose of saliva is to wash away leftover food particles and bacteria sticking to our teeth, gums, and tongue.

If you have dry mouth, your salivary glands do not produce enough saliva. The disorder prevents your mouth from staying hydrated and healthy.

Bad breath occurs when bacteria lingers on your teeth and tongue. The bacteria is normally washed away before it can create an odor. But chronic dry mouth prevents saliva production and leads to bacteria buildup.

Saliva also keeps your mouth tissue soft due to hydration. When your body doesn’t produce enough saliva, your oral tissues will dry out and contribute to bad breath.

Preventing and Treating Dry Mouth

A certified dentist can assist with diagnosing and treating dry mouth.

A professional can determine its cause and resolve the issue. A dentist will examine your mouth to determine if periodontal disease, cavities, and poor dental hygiene are to blame.

If your dry mouth is due to medications or a separate medical condition, you may be referred to a health physician.

Adhering to a strong dental hygiene routine is the key to preventing dry mouth. Everything you put into your mouth plays a significant role in your oral hygiene. To prevent bad breath caused by dry mouth, refrain from:

  • Consuming large amounts of alcohol
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Drinking caffeine

Be sure to brush your teeth twice each day. Every session should last two minutes to ensure all of your pearly whites are properly scrubbed. Floss for thirty seconds after brushing your teeth.

Sleeping with a humidifier increases moisture throughout your bedroom and can help your mouth stay hydrated. As a bonus, humidifiers are healthy for your skin, too.

Rinse with mouth wash one to two times per day, especially following meals. Mouth wash rinses away food particles to prevent your breath from developing a foul odor. Chewing sugar-free gum stimulates saliva production without harming your teeth as well as gives you fresh and minty breath.

Remember, your mental health plays a significant role in your physical health. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, exercising, and finding ways to alleviate stress during the day to prevent oral diseases.

Above all, make sure you’re drinking enough water.

If you currently are suffering from dry mouth, double the amount of water you drink each day. Keeping your entire body, from your teeth to your toes, properly hydrated is the key to staying in tip-top shape.

Tips to Improve Bad Breath

The key to keeping your breath smelling fresh is to prevent bacteria buildup.

If your breath has a foul odor, drinking water can rinse away lingering food particles sticking to your teeth. If you can escape to the bathroom, rinse your mouth with water to remove food particles.

When you brush your teeth, don’t forget to scrub your tongue.

Bacteria buildup on your tongue leads to stinky breath. Scrub your tongue with your toothbrush for five to ten seconds when you brush your teeth to wash away deal cells, food particles, bacteria, and anything else that may be lingering.

If you have a day full of social interactions, avoid foods known to cause bad breath. Onions and garlic travel into your bloodstream, where they reach your lungs. As you breathe them out, your breath will give off a foul smell.

Keep sugar free gum and mouth wash handy to help you freshen up your breath throughout the day. Remember to keep up with healthy oral hygiene habits, and your breath should stay fresh throughout the day.

Keep Your Oral Health in Check

Does dry mouth cause bad breath?

Unfortunately, yes it does.

Bacteria love to linger in your mouth. If you don’t have healthy doses of saliva to wash away the bacteria and food particles hiding between your teeth, your breath suffers.

If you’re struggling with dry mouth and bad breath, your local dental professional team is here to help. We’ll check out your oral hygiene and determine a solution to ensure your breath smells like roses.

Contact our team to schedule an appointment with our dental specialists. We’re here to keep your oral health in tip-top shape.